Autore: claudio vittori antisari

Claudio is an Architect specialized in BIM and Computational Design. He is founder of Strategie Digitali a Computational BIM and Project Management consulting firm based in Milan, Italy. From 2009, he has been part of a BIM and Computational Design pioneer group in the RomaTre University under Professor Stefano Converso. During his last years of experience, he has had the the opportunity to work in different BIM roles in different world areas: from BIM researcher to BIM consultant up to BIM manager. This exposure has given him a deep understanding of the BIM process for architectural offices. Nowadays he spends most of his time helping designers improving efficiency and effectiveness in building design. He participates actively in the BIM national and international debate, taking part in BIM-related events and conferences, participating in university research groups, and giving his consultancy to governance projects. He is the proud co-creator of the one and only BIM Convention drinking game.
01 - BUG GPA

Il BIM User Group Italia a Firenze!

Sabato 28 Ottobre, nella bella cornice dello studio di Firenze GPA ingegneria si è tenuto un incontro del BIM User...
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